The Hosting Assured Trust Mark

Helping You Find Ethical Web Hosts

All information and claims presented to the customer will be 100% accurate.
All web hosting services will be supplied as agreed.
The customer will be treated with fairness and honesty.
All planned service outages will be well communicated in advance.
All communication with the customer will be timely and responsive.
Every effort will be made to resolve all valid complaints in a professional and timely fashion.

Mediation Process - Hosting Assured Program - TheWebHostingDir.Com

The Hosting Assured mediation process is web based. The steps below occur after you begin the complaint process. To learn how to file a complaint and request mediation click here.

You will be asked to enter the details of your complaint. You must enter a solution that would satisfy your complaint.


You will then be sent an email to validate the complaint. Follow the link in the email and the complaint will become active.

Email validate setup

Once active, the web hosting company will receive an email with a link to the complaint where they will be able to respond.

The Hosting Assured status of the web hosting company will also now have changed to "Mediation In Progress"

Mail host

The complaint mediation thread contains the details of your complaint and requested outcome and also any responses by either you, the hosting company or by Hosting Assured.

Each time a response is posted to the thread you will receive an email to let you know. The email will contain a link that allows you to read and add to the thread.

Each time you or Hosting Assured posts a response to the thread the hosting company will also receive an email to let them know you have made a response and a link so they can read and post to the thread.

Closing of the complaint thread can be done by the customer at any time using the link found at the top of the complaint thread page. If the customer closes the complaint the host will return to "In Good Standing"

Hosting Assured may raise the web hosting company Hosting Assured status to "Warning Given" at any time.

The web hosting company cannot close a complaint.

If Hosting Assured closes the complaint it will be due to one of two possible reasons

  • No solution was found and the web hosting company was dropped from the Hosting Assured program and can no longer display the trust mark on their website
  • Hosting Assured determined that the complaint / request was unreasonable or fraudulent, or a solution aligned with the hosting assured ethics was offered but not accepted by the customer. In this case the web hosting company Hosting Assured status will return to "In Good Standing"