The Hosting Assured Trust Mark

Helping You Find Ethical Web Hosts

All information and claims presented to the customer will be 100% accurate.
All web hosting services will be supplied as agreed.
The customer will be treated with fairness and honesty.
All planned service outages will be well communicated in advance.
All communication with the customer will be timely and responsive.
Every effort will be made to resolve all valid complaints in a professional and timely fashion.

Rate A Web Host

You can rate a Hosting Assured web hosting company by clicking on the Hosting Assured trust mark on their website. This opens a unique Hosting Assured website specific to that hosting company. Your rating will be available for others to read.

Rate A Web Host

Hosting Assured and TheWebHostingdir are integrated. The rating database is common to both sites, so you can also lookup the host from TheWebHostingdir and post your rating from there.

Regardless of if you post a rating via Hosting Assured or via TheWebHostingdir, the rating system will check that your website is hosted by the host in question and you will also have to validate the rating by clicking on a link sent to you by email after the rating has been posted.

To lookup a hosting company and post a rating via Click Here